Browse Items (14 total)

Life Magazine article detailing physical differences between Japanese and Chinese. The guide also features Chinese official Ong Wen-hao and Japanese Prime Minister Hideki Tojo with annotations demonstrating differences. Written two weeks after the…

Photo of welder Howard Yip in 1942. Pinned across the back of his work jacket is a sign that reads "Me Chinese Please no Jap"

Chinese American at Beach  with Chinese Flag
Photo depicts Chinese American Ruth Lee at the beach with Chinese flag flying behind her seat to avoid being mistaken as Japanese.

Mock hunting license issued on December 7, 1941. Signed by Uncle Sam, the name field has been left blank.

Issued by General DeWitt of US Western Command. Established restrictions on movement and as well as reporting areas for Japanese Americans for relocation to internment camps across the West Coast Marked the end of voluntary phase of Japanese American…

Roosevelt signs Executive Order 9066 allowing for the confinement of peoples of Japanese ancestry across the West Coast


pearl harbor.jpg
Japanese forces launch surprise attack on US military base in Pearl Harbor Hawaii

Article describes testimony by member of California State Industrial Union Council (CIO) at a Congressional hearing on Interstate Migration as well as positive reaction by Japanese community figures. Representing Japanese American union members, the…

Article describing meeting by Los Angeles County Civilian Defense Council. Alongside reccomendations to the Department of Justice to remove most Japanese Americans from the US Westcoast, the group also layed out guidelines for those allowed to stay.…

Article describes election of Norman Evans to the United Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Association as well as a convention meeting. At the meeting the association called for the removal of all Japanese Americans in California, Arizona, Oregon, and…
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